Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Impossible to Describe...

This blog is going to be impossible to describe with just one word.  There is not just one subject that I will cover.  Within these posts you will see the ups and downs of having a child with autism, the crazy schedule we try our best to keep up with, the joys of living with a pre-teen, everyday God moments, and probably so much more.

This is not my first blog.  I discontinued my previous blog some time ago.  It's original intent was to let friends and family keep up with the day in and day out adventures in being an Autism Mom. I wanted to raise awareness & hopefully give some hope to families who are just learning that their little one has autism.  It had to come to end though.  It just didn't feel completely honest, or authentic. I think that's because there's just so much more to the story.  If you followed it - don't feel cheated.  All of the posts were true.  I just feel the need to tell more of the story.  

What part of the story was missing?  The part where the story was no longer about us, or autism.  It was about a loving God who has kept us throughout our lives.  

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